Certificates & Citations
Christine A. (Pickford)-Gregg

1.  March 30, 1976 Basic Certificate Calif. Dept. of Justice

2.  Sept. 8, 1976 Intermediate Certificate Calif. Dept. of Justice

3.  August 23, 1980 Advanced Certificate Calif. Dept. of Justice

4.  Sept. 14, 1976 SDPD Commanding Officer’s Citation for special assignment “C” Squad in the beach area during the summer months

5.  August 3, 1981 Calif. Community Colleges Award Instructor Credential –Police Sciences

6.  March 8, 1988 SDPD Commanding Officer’s Citation for work on a special task force formed by the Sex Crimes Unit that led to the arrest of a dangerous suspect for a 20+ series of assaults including forcible rape, robbery, and burglary of victims some of whom were elderly women

7.  October 22, 1991 SDPD Commanding Officer’s Citation for investigating a series of sexual assaults involving victims who had been drugged to unconsciousness by the male suspect who was convicted and sentenced to prison. It was also noted the recipient was a respected member of the Emergency Negotiations Team.

8.  1992 SDPD Exceptional Performance Citation for investigation and arrest of Kurt Russell Newman for a series from 1988 to 1992 of sexual assaults, kidnapping, and robbery of 13 different victims. Newman was sentenced to 294 years and three consecutive life terms.

9.  September 2, 1994 SDPD Commanding Officer’s Citation for work on the task force investigation of the brutal beating of three elderly females (two of whom died from their injuries) which resulted in the arrest of Phillip Lee Jackson.

10. September 15, 1995 Calif. Dept. of Justice certification of Dignitary Security course

11. 1996 U.S. Secret Service commendation during 1996 Republican Convention in San Diego

12. 1996 SDPD Certificate of Appreciation commendation during 1996 Republican National Convention

13. April 3-7, 2000 U.S. Dept. of Justice FBI certificate of completion of Eurasian Organized Crime In-Service at FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia

14. February 13, 2001 Los Angeles Police Dept. commendation letter for assisting in the notification of LAPD in the return from Mexico to the U.S. Hovo Tokatlyan for attempted murder. Det. Gregg was assigned to the Intelligence Unit.

15. June 28, 2001 SDPD Certificate of Appreciation during the BIO 2001 Convention

16. August 13, 2001 SDPD Commanding Officer’s Citation for efforts with the Intelligence Unit in preparing for and during the BIO 2001 international convention. Preparation included working closely with the District Attorney’s Office and preparing anticipatory search warrant affidavits with video attachments.

17. October 10, 2002 SDPD certification of completion of Active Shooter Response Class

18. February 19, 2003 Certification of Appreciation for outstanding contribution in support of SDPD’s public safety responsibilities during Super Bowl XXXVII

19. November 25, 2003 SDPD Commanding Officer’s Citation for her work with the Criminal Intelligence Unit in the investigation of a sophisticated group of ATM bank burglars working in the greater San Diego area. This group was made up exclusively of immigrants from the Albanian area of the former Soviet Union. These crimes coursed over several years and into another county. The use of DNA in an armed bank robbery was used this successful investigation and prosecution of several suspects.

20. June 2005 U.S. Dept. of Justice FBI recognition of outstanding cooperation and assistance in connection with an investigation of great importance.

21. June 14, 2005 International Assn. of Law Enforcement Analysts –Golden West Chapter- Certificate of Completion of Training on “Russian Organized Crime & Human Smuggling”.